Re-imagining local communities summer design sprint series
Design Thinking Summer Virtual Sprint
Program Details by the Week:
Session 1: — Kickoff & Empathy
Learning Objectives:
Develop an understanding of the Design Thinking Process and how it can be applied in a variety of settings.
Learn techniques to understand users’/clients’ motivations and to gather deeper insights (Asking “why?” to dig for meaning, seeking stories, exploring emotions).
Practice truly listening, assuming a beginner’s mindset, testing their assumptions, and moving beyond judgement.
Session 3: — Problem Definition
Learning Objectives:
Apply learnings / points of views developed through the Human Centered Design module to reframe the challenge.
Identify problem definition methods in order to recognize patterns and triangulate insights.
Draft an actionable and compelling problem statement for their particular challenge.
Session 5: — Prototype and Pitch
Learning Objectives
Understand how Design Thinking leads to rapid prototyping of inexpensive solutions that can readily be tested
Learn 3 tools used for prototyping and pitching
Business Model Canvas
Design Brief
Design a Pitch of their solution for business and investors
Session 2: — Human Center Designed Thinking
Learning Objectives:
Understand how Design Thinking addresses Human Needs and builds from Empathy.
Learn 3 tools to assist in the identification of needs
Stakeholder Mapping
Context Mapping
Affinity Clustering
Apply these tools to their particular challenge
Define needs to be used in their Problem Statement
Session 4: — Ideation
Learning Objectives
Increase knowledge of and skills in the best practices for ideation.
Master the interplay of divergent and convergent thinking in developing breakthrough ideas
Enhance ability to think laterally
Build capacity to translate diversity of talents and perspectives into ideas
Session 6: — Final Presentations
2020 Design challenge finalists — the challenges in 2020 were specific to covid
GiftAStay (2020 Winner and tested by the Athens Convention and Visitors Bureau): How might we make hotel stays a gift giving experience?
DineINFO (2020 Runner Up): How might we build awareness of restaurant differentiation?
Beyond: How might we revolutionize social media marketing for independent business owners?
SchoolPods.Com: How might we re-imagine K-5 schooling?
SirouSatins: How might we privatize the dining experience?
Are you interested?
Contact Don Chambers at for more info