Georgia Bulldog Angel Network (GBAN) will conduct a monthly meeting on the third Tuesday of every month at the TEEC Office in Atlanta. The meetings will be open to GBAN members and their invited guests. In addition to the regular meetings, GBAN will host meetings via Zoom and other events in Athens and Atlanta to promote the goals of the angel network.

The primary objective of GBAN will be to provide a forum for UGA student businesses, alumni businesses, and others to present or pitch to a group of Angel investors, mentors, advisors, and interested parties their companies, plans, pain points, funding requirements or other resource requirements to help further their business goals and objectives.


Meetings will be held the third Tuesday of each month..
Meetings will center around networking and hearing pitches/presentations from 1 or more companies seeking funding or advice. It will be up to the individual members to determine their level and type of involvement with the presenting company, if any involvement at all.


when: Tuesday, march 18, 2025

where: terry executive education center (buckhead)


Terry Executive Education Center
3475 Lenox Rd NE
Atlanta, GA 30326


5:30 - 6:00 p.m. — Arrival + Networking
6:00 - 6:45 p.m. — Presenting team(s)
6:45 - 8:00 p.m. — Members Discussion

For general questions or if you wish to present your company in front of our Angels, please email us at

  • Individual Membership: $250 / year

    Family Office Membership: $750 / year

    Institutional Membership: $1,500 / year

    Financial Sponsor: $10,000 — Further information on Financial Sponsor is below.

    Members may bring a guest for a guest fee of $25.00 per GBAN meeting

  • All members must have some affiliation with the University of Georgia – student, alumni, supporter, or friend, and be an accredited investor. Members are asked to commit to maintaining an active membership status for a minimum of 2 years. In addition, members are encouraged to provide $25,000 of program support over a two-year period or a minimum of 50 hours of mentorship to one or more of the featured companies.

    The $25k in program support can be provided through direct investments into featured companies (e.g., a SAFE note or other securities), through contributions to the ENTR Program at the University of Georgia, or a combination of investment, mentorship, and ENTR support.

    The membership cycle runs from August 1- July 31.

  • Members will be notified in advance of the featured companies pitching at the next meeting. Companies can range from student businesses just starting out, alumni businesses that have been in business for a while, or alumni startup businesses. Criteria for companies selected to present will be established by the Advisory Board of GBAN.

  • A VC firm or other experienced financial investment organization may assist in working with prospective companies or prospective investors in preparing a pitch, company analysis, or other activity surrounding the GBAN. UGA will provide an MBA or other student to work alongside the firm as an intern to gain experience in evaluating new ventures. Provided the financial firm has an interest in doing so, the financial firm will have the opportunity to present their findings at the monthly meeting as well as have the opportunity to lead the investment or co-invest alongside others. If GBAN has more than one Financial Sponsor, the financial sponsors will rotate working with companies.

GBAN will make available sponsorships by venture capital firms, private equity firms, or other financial institutions. In addition to providing sponsorship dollars to GBAN, these sponsors will have the opportunity to work with a student(s) from the Terry College in an internship or other suitable capacity.

Regardless of any information provided, any decision on whether or not to make an investment or participate in any way with the featured company is solely up to the individual investor. GBAN, nor anyone associated with GBAN, does not guarantee the information presented is complete or accurate nor does GBAN or anyone associated with GBAN endorse in any way any investment in a particular company.
It is up to each individual GBAN member to make his or her own determination as to the viability or desirability of any individual company investment.